e-Distpatch Software

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What is e-Dispatch?

e-Dispatch is the electronic form of the waybill document that should be used during the transportation and shipment of a goods.

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Easy Operation

Instantly create your e-dispatch for the products you will ship. Deliver to the relevant place from a single screen.
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Securely Storage

Your e-dispatch documents is kept digitally for 10 years. You can reach immediately whenever you want.

Quick Integration

e-Dispatch can be used in businesses with a fast integration by integrating with current regulations.

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Easily access your e-Dispatch

Increase the operational efficiency of your business by accessing the documents you have created with the e-Dispatch software with a single click on the system!

Benefit from environmentally friendly solutions

With the e-Dispatch, you take a positive step for your business and the environment while avoiding the costs of paper consumption.

Stay compliant with legal processes

Developed in accordance with the standards of the Revenue Administration, the e-Dispatch is regularly updated according to the changing legislation, ensuring continuous compliance.