The easiest way to transition to e-Signature!

Start Using It

Time- and cost-saving features of e-Signature!

Share your documents quickly and safely with e-Signature, which has the same legal validity as a wet signature as per Electronic Signature Law No. 5070! You can also perform corporate transactions with e-Signature with the appropriate authorization.

Elektronik imza ile verileri korumayı temsil eden görsel

Protect Your Data!

With e-Signature, ensure the security of your identity and the documents you send via electronic media!

Save Time!

Get rid of costs such as paper and shipping, and sign transactions anytime and anywhere!

Save Money!

Create vouchers from any device with an Internet connection and have them instantly delivered to customers with a single click!

Time- and cost-saving features of e-Signature!

Share your documents quickly and safely with e-Signature, which has the same legal validity as a wet signature as per Electronic Signature Law No. 5070!
You can also perform corporate transactions with e-Signature with the appropriate authorization.

1 Year e-Signature Plan


VAT included


2 Years e-Signature Plans


VAT included


3 Years e-Signature Plans


VAT included


VAT rate %20
e-Signature packages include electronic certificate (e-signature certificate),
smart card, smart card reader and PALMA (Smart Card Management Software)


Advances in technology have made the use of the e-signature more widespread than the traditional wet-signature. The increased use of electronic signatures raised the question: what is an e-signature? An electronic signature is a form of data composed of letters and characters which make it eligible for use in a virtual environment; e-signatures have become the go-to choice in many fields. It is often preferred as it is the most convenient option for digital users.

How do I get an e-signature?

E-signatures, which cannot be used for matters concerning marriage, probate, and succession, are provided by Electronic Certificate Service Providers. Such service providers must be approved by the Information Technologies and Communications Authority. Signatures may be requested from service providers via an online application form. Electronic signatures are provided for different periods of time. The prices of electronic signatures vary according to their periods of validity. Expired signatures should be renewed. Signature renewal transactions are also made online. The use of an electronic signature not only saves you valuable time but also facilitates your online transactions. <strong>E-signature applications</strong> have the same features in legal terms as your wet signature.

E-signature installation is simple. Your electronic signature service provider supplies you with a smart card, a smart card reader, and the necessary software support for the installation. Just log into the account after installation and the signature is ready for use. Electronic signatures are individually designed. Each electronic signature has its own certificate, which is sent to those using the e-signature.

E-Signature Use

The e-signature is mostly used in communications and commercial agreements between organizations. Here are some of the institutions, organizations, and applications where electronic signatures can be used:

  • Tax payments
  • Health applications
  • Communications between organizations
  • Passport applications
  • Online banking
  • Online voting
  • Social security applications
  • Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS), Transition to Higher Education Examination (YGS), and other tests.
  • Insurance transactions
  • Agreements executed in an electronic environment
  • Orders made in an electronic environment
  • E-school transactions
  • E-state transactions
  • Central Civil Registration System (MERNİS) transactions

What are the benefits of e-signatures is a question that frequently arises. Advances in technology have brought many transactions, which were once conducted on paper, into a virtual environment. Both public and private organizations made efforts to prevent paper wastage by shifting traditional tracking processes and services online. Using an electronic environment not only accelerated implementation but also reduced spending on consumables, such as carriage, paper, and ink. Getting an electronic signature is simple and the benefits are huge. You can start the e-signature generation process by choosing the electronic signature with your desired validity period.

How do I use an e-signature?

The question of how to use e-signature has a reassuringly simple answer. An electronic signature may only be obtained from those organizations which have been approved by the Information Technologies and Communications Authority. The first step in getting an e-signature is filing an application, together with the required documents. An ID card and application form are fine for individual applications, but corporate electronic signatures must be backed up by a certificate of good standing from the trade registry office, an ID card, and an application form. Once your e-signature application gets the green light, instructions for the installation of the signature on your computer will be sent to you. Upon completion of the installation, you may log into your account.

An electronic signature is a kind of software that functions on websites. It often appears in a rectangular shape on the website on which you want to make a transaction. Your desired transactions are made within this rectangle. When needed, it can be easily used. Signatures may be obtained with different validity periods. An expired signature should be renewed. It cannot be used in any way after it has expired. <strong>Prices of e-signatures</strong> vary according to their periods of use. You can choose an electronic signature with the optimum period for you. You will also have done your bit for the environment by saving paper and ink.

How do I use an e-signature?

An e-signature can be used on websites by clicking on the "sign" button. The use of e-signatures may vary from organization to organization.

Where can I get an e-signature?

E-signatures are sold by Electronic Certificate Service Providers. You can purchase an e-signature on the internet or from the Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT).

What can I do with an e-signature?

With an e-signature, you can make all sorts of transactions online, without the need for a wet signature. You can log into state institutions and sign your documents swiftly and easily.

How do I install an e-signature?

First, you'll need Java installed on your computer. Then, you should install the software sent to you by the firm where you bought the e-signature module, and link the certificate you have been sent with the relevant program. Then you and your e-signature will be good to go.